Just have a look at the city PURI(Odisha) where lord Jagannath temple is located . For that temple there has been employment to lakhs and crores of families irrespective of all castes and creeds of the society . From a person who sells a cotton wick to a person who produce Bhajan songs all are intertwined with the tradition and live of Lord Jagannath. A person who sells Pattachitra(fine art work of raghurajpur), A potter who make earthen pot for eating Abhada, who make and sells saree (sambalpuri, Cuttacki, Berhampuri, Khurdha etc), a black smith who makes nails for Rath , a person who sells Idols , a person who sells the cotton wicks , a person who sells coconut , , the person who run an hotel, A singer , an actor , A technician , A producer , A director , every one depend on their daily live for Lord Jagannath. If we ll wipe out PURI Jagannath we could not think about the economy and social life of Odisha.
If research and development has not been done in earlier days how we developed such a rich standard of living . we wear the best ornaments , we wear grace full attires (sarees, kurta, Dhoti, lehnga, Chudidar, Punjabi,Langa-vani etc). We eat the most hygienic, delicious yet medicinal food in the world(Now a days the spices and oils are adulterated with animal fate and artificial color). The different type of varied cuisines across India.All the delicacies are originated from the temple Kitchens of India. .You couldnot find such delicious and hygienic foods anywhere in the world. Rasgolla, Rasabali, Rasmalai, Kakara,Monda,Arisha, Chennapoda, Chenna Gaja etc are originated in the Jagannath temple PURI.
So now focus on the Questions which rose from the movie OMG,
1. Why should someone offer his hair to Balaji ?
If by offering our mere hair can create money why we should not offer that, it’s a very green way to create money instead of displacing an devastating the ecology and communities in the name of Industrialization.
2. Why should someone offer Milk, Ghee, Dahi, Honey, Gud ( panch amrut), Dhatura, Vilwa Leaf, Arakha flower to the Siv Ling?
India is a agrarian Economy and many people live on cultivation. A king was there for their protection. So the cow was a wish fulfiller animal for all our economic prosperity.
i. Cow has been used for ploughing
ii. Milk, Dahi, Ghee, Butter, etc are used in nourishment of Infants and People
iii. Until his death Cow dung/Urine can be used as bio fertilizer and medicine respectively.
find the link ( Organic Farming )
After the death of the cow, it has been cremated underground with all the rituals which also makes the earth more fertile.
So what is the reason of pouring milk on Shiva Ling ?
Think of a situation if we ll not pour all these things what ll happen to the people who herd and feed this animal. They ll become poor and they could not feed the cow , which will ultimately affect the economy.And the reason behind offering things like of Ghee lamp , Vilwa leaf , flowers, Dhatura flower, Arakha flower , Holy Basil etc , is that ,all these plants has highly medicinal properties. It creates employment for the person who sell all these things, it ll keep a person healthy by consuming it and by lighting Ghee lamp and Dhup ll purify the air.
Think of a situation if we ll not pour all these things what ll happen to the people who herd and feed this animal. They ll become poor and they could not feed the cow , which will ultimately affect the economy.And the reason behind offering things like of Ghee lamp , Vilwa leaf , flowers, Dhatura flower, Arakha flower , Holy Basil etc , is that ,all these plants has highly medicinal properties. It creates employment for the person who sell all these things, it ll keep a person healthy by consuming it and by lighting Ghee lamp and Dhup ll purify the air.
Again just think of a situation if the temples were not there in India what would have been happened to India. India would have been divided to many small small states. The migration of people across India is only possible due to many sacred places of worship. A person from Tamilnadu (Rameswaram) goes to Uttarakhand ( Badrinath) vise versa , a person from Puri(odisha) goes to Dwarka( Gujrat) for pilgrimage. And this pilgrimage is carried out 24x7x365 days. And today the Impact is we have created many cities of spirituality it has generating more wealth. Many people get livelihood by selling Earthen Dia, Flowers, , Milk, Ghee, Dhup, handicrafts etc . Indian Hotel and Tourism Industry is the highest employment creator and revenue generator.
3.Why do temples spend much money on expensive religious rituals when beggars are starving outside the temple ?
Its certainly sad to see anyone starving . But do merely donating and feeding them ll wipe out poverty and Begging ? People ll be more idle and don’t do any work and they ll simply come to the temple and start begging. Instead of begging they can sell Bilwa patra, Cotton weaks, Dhup , Ghee, Milk , flower , Tulsi etc ..Hinduism preaches about be self reliant. Create your own livelihood but not by begging. For this reason There was no thief and beggar in India until the Muhgahals and Britishers came.
If we are truly concerned about ppl , then why do we target expensive rituals alone ? Why not target the billionaires who spend millions on the wardrobes and perfumes ? Outside their mansion there is also beggars starving. Why not target theaters, Casinos, race courses, malls , sport tournaments and like where huge amount of money spent on entertainment ? if even a fraction of that was used for feeding needy , starving could be wiped out from the planet.
Lets consider the movie OMG itself as an example, it has been made using a budget of 20 crore and it earned 80 crore . out of the 60 crore profit , how much was used to feed starving the beggars ??
The movie accuses religionists of doing 'shradhha ka dhanda' , but isn’t it doing ''shradhha ka nindaka dhanda'' ??
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