It’s a small story from a flood
hit area some location unanimous.
After a flood aftermath a Poor
woman and a child has been rescued by the army personnel from the flooded river
and has been taken to the rescue camp. At that time the girl child watched on TV
that the nation won an alien match (alien
because that wont belongs to the nation, that was the game of a colonial
country who ruled and looted the nation and shaken the very backbone once upon
a time) and the players has been awarded with a lump sum amount of money. The
girl got confuse and asked her mother “Mama, why these men are so happy at this
time of national tragedy and why they have been awarded with such a huge amount
of money”. Mother Replied “ Beta, they are the heroes of our nation, they played
a game and won the trophy for our country, that's why they have been awarded with
a huge money and applauds “. The girl replied, “Toh Mama, the soldiers who
fight for us so hard in this weather and saved our lives , aren't they our heroes
? Why our govt is not awarding anything to them? They also well played and won
our hearts mama”. Mother replied “that won’t happen in our country when it
comes to the downtrodden and the common man, our govt has not enough money to
give us”. The little girl again asked ‘”here so many people are hungry and
struggling to get food and shelter…some are dying in horrible pangs of hunger
and cold but why our govt is not doing anything? Aren’t we the children’s of this nation?”. Mother
replied “Beta have patience, our govt must have been planning something for us, otherwise
may have collecting money in their relief fund and then they will distribute us.
After years passed but nothing
changed, no one has arrived from the govt side.Finally the day arrived the Netas
are in a bee line to the flood hit victim area to show their sympathy and
distributed some money though it was the time of assembly election.That time the poor girl asked her
mother who are these people with white attire and why they are distributing
money freely?
The mother brought tear in her
eyes ,answering herself “ Beta, these white dressed people have many names as , public servants’ , leaders of nation, makers
of nation etc… but I name them as ‘White Elephants’ who come down once from
their heaven to our hell to seek and beg our vote, to remain in heaven for
another five years. And the money which are being distributed to us for gaining
votes were once meant for helping the Flood Victims.